“Chicago police are investigating accusations that a group of officers had improper sexual contact with newly arrived immigrants.

One of the officers, assigned to the Ogden police district, covering Lawndale and Little Village, has been accused of impregnating a teenage girl, law enforcement sources said Thursday.

Multiple other officers are accused of engaging in sexual acts with immigrants…

Police officials wouldn’t say if any of the officers had been stripped of their police powers or whether the accusations involving the teen had been referred to Cook County prosecutors. A COPA spokesperson didn’t respond to a request for comment.

About 11,000 immigrants have come to Chicago since August. Many were placed on buses or planes and driven to the city at the direction of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Chicago has grappled with finding adequate shelter for the new arrivals.

Hundreds have had to spend nights sleeping on the floors of police stations. To ease the burden on the stations, the city has turned to housing immigrants at temporary locations, including Wilbur Wright College on the Northwest Side.”
