People are fighting back in the UK. The government has been installing thousands of cameras to track the movements and emissions of vehicles and fine vehicles for traveling too far in normal cars, under the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) scheme.

“…analysis of crowd-sourced data showing almost nine in 10 cameras put up to enforce the expansion have been stolen or damaged in southeast London…

Analysis by The Times suggests that 156 of the 185 cameras erected in one 56-square mile area south of Sydenham and Sidcup have been vandalised or taken…

The ULEZ, which currently only covers central London, will expand to the whole of the capital from next week.

It means more drivers will have to pay the £12.50 daily fee for the most polluting vehicles in a bid to boost air quality.

Some 2,750 cameras are being installed in new areas the zone is being widened to, but TfL will not share the locations.”
