“The Philadelphia Sheriff’s Department has lost over 185 firearms, including 76 duty weapons, according to the Philadelphia Controller’s Office…

Of the missing service weapons, 71 are handguns, and five are shotguns. The Sheriff’s Office maintains that the Department properly disposed of all service weapons except for 20 items.

The Controller’s Office asserts that its follow-up investigation could confirm no evidence supporting that statement, and the Sheriff could provide no documentation as proof. The Controller’s Office still considers the firearms as missing…

The Sheriff’s Department stated that they gave one or more of the missing guns to former Sheriff John Green. The Controller’s Office demands that Green give back all the guns he received from the Department. They demand that employees return any guns given to them to the Department or that the employees provide proof of disposal. If the employees can not or refuse to produce the firearms or provide evidence of disposal, they should be placed in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) as missing.”
