“A group of 19 Republican attorneys general, spearheaded by Kentucky’s Daniel Cameron, have recently issued a warning to JPMorgan Chase & Co. The bank has been accused of engaging in discrimination against customers based on their political and religious affiliations…

The letter specifically cites the case of the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), which had its account abruptly closed by Chase just weeks after opening. Although Chase eventually agreed to reopen the account if the NCRF provided a list of donors and political candidates they supported, the Attorneys General criticized this as a violation of the bank’s own anti-discrimination policies.

Moreover, the letter points out that WePay, a Chase-owned company, denied services to a conservative group on the grounds of ‘hate, violence, racial intolerance, [and] terrorism.’ Another credit card company under the bank’s ownership closed a pro-life group’s account, deeming it ‘high risk.’”
